Thanks for checking in on me and mommy and daddy and our friends and family!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Gus and "The Ladies"

Hey everybody! Last week, my mommy and I made the long trip to Big Missouri to visit Grandma and Grandpa Chinn, my Grubb family members and some of mommy's friends! The above pictures are of me and two of my "lady friends," Maggie (1 year) and Isabella (5 weeks)! Stephanie Flagg is Maggie's momma and Laura Eidson is Isabella's (Izzy or Bella) momma. We had a lot of fun hanging out, playing and watching MY Elmo and Baby Einstein videos! I will post some more pictures of the trip as soon as my mommy remembers to download them from the camera. These pictures were provided by Maggie's blog!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Star Is Born :)

Greetings from Hollywood! Okay, okay....just kidding. This is a video of the commerical I got to be in for the Cheyenne County Hospital. Thought everyone would like to see me in my first "major" role! :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

I Can Be Political Too

Greetings from Kansas everybody! This week has been eventful for me, my mommy and daddy! I went to my first political forum! Look out...future politician in the making! LOL! My daddy is running for Saint Francis City Council and last night (Thursday, March 12th, 2009) the Cheyenne County Community Builders hosted a candidate forum for candidates running for Saint Francis City Council; Saint Francis Community School Board and the Sunflower District Extension Board. The forum consisted of my daddy introducing himself to the towns-people that attended and then to participate in the question and answer portion. Mommy and I think he did a wonderful job and would make a wonderful addition to the Saint Francis City Council. There are three seats open on the council and seven candidates for the spot. So for those of you that live in Sainty, don't forget to vote! Also happening this week around The Gardner house....my mommy blew the basement up! :) She accidentally overloaded the washer and it was "off-balance" and when she went down to put the clothes in the dryer, the basement had a slight "back-up" problem. Apparently when the washer was overloaded, it revealed that our sewer pipe was partially blocked, therefore causing a backup in the basement. Needless to say, the sewer came back up through the drain pipe and the free standing shower. GROSS! It did not smell or look pretty folks. So we called the local pipe cleaning guy and he informed us that what we really need are new sewer pipes! That sounds expensive. Anyway....my mommy felt by for "blowing the basement up" but at least it was not a complete flood! Just a litte one!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Look What I Can Do...(for an hour at a time)

Greetings from Kansas everyone! This past weekend was a good one with my mommy and daddy. We just spent time together as a family all weekend long. On Sunday, I napped a lot, catching up with the time change I suppose. But it gave mommy and daddy some time to get a few things done around the house! I also, loved sitting in my bouncy chair and "blowing raspberries" REPEATEDLY all day Sunday! My mommy says that at one point I did this for an hour straight! LOL! HAHA! So funny! I even like to do it when I eat my supper! :) My mom and dad laughed at me the entire time! Anyway, hope this finds everyone well and that everybody has a great week! I will be 6 months old tomorrow or 24 weeks (Tuesday, March 10, 2009)!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just A Swingin'

Hey everybody! What a beautiful week we are having here in good 'ol Kansas! The past three days have been 75 degree plus weather and my mommy has been taking me to THE PARK! I LOVE THE SWING! We have so much fun walking across the street from my house to the city park. I love being outdoors and really enjoy it when daddy pushes the swing.....he makes it go a lot higher and a lot faster than mommy will!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Face of a Future STAR :)

Hey everybody! I got to do something really exciting today and it just may be my "claim-to-fame!" LOL! The Cheyenne County Clinic and Hospital called my mommy today and asked her if she'd be willing to let me be "the baby" in a video shoot for their new commerical. My mommy and daddy agreed to let me do it so stay tuned for details about the commercial! If my mommy can get a copy of it, I'm sure she will help me upload to all my loving fans! :) It's gotta be "the hair!" LOL!

Just Some Leftovers from Christmas

Me and my daddy and mommy at The Grubb Family Christmas!

Me, my mommy and her mommy a.k.a. Grandma Chinn at The Grubb Family Christmas!
Me chillin' with my Grandma Chinn in Missouri!

Me with some of my cousins at The Grubb Family Christmas.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Hangin' Out in Greeley, Colorado

The weekend before this last one, I went on a trip with my mommy and daddy. We went to Greeley, Colorado just to get "outta town" for a night as a family! We went to our favorite restaurants and I went shopping with my mommy in the afternoon and then with mommy AND daddy in the evening. Yes, that's right, mommy convinced daddy to go shopping with her! These are a few pics of daddy and I hanging out in the hotel room. We lounged together! We had so much fun and I even let mommy and daddy enjoy two ENTIRE meals without causing a fuss during either one. I even slept through their entire supper. Hee-hee....this time anyway! LOL! Hope everyone is having a great week. I will be 23 weeks old tomorrow (03-03-09)! Growing and learning so fast. I'm getting really good at doing push-ups and daddy bets I will be crawling in two weeks or less! LOOK OUT WORLD, HERE I COME! I've also decided that I will eat food, FINALLY! I really enjoy sweet taters!

Friday Night Fun With My Friends

This is me with Hannah and Christina. They are my friends. I like going over to their house to play! They keep me entertained. Sometimes it takes me awhile to warm up to other people but once I do, look out... :)
This is my friend Christina Stafford. She is helping entertain me or "supervising!"

Here's a picture of me playing with my friends Michelle and Hannah Stafford (but now that I think of it, maybe Hannah wasn't playing with me....she's "texting" with her mommy's cell phone)! Girls, they are funny!