Thanks for checking in on me and mommy and daddy and our friends and family!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

13 Months Old (Friday, October 23rd, 2009)

My new diaper bag, a camo tool bag that daddy got for me! Also doubles as a "Gus tote!"
On Sunday afternoon, daddy and I were busy working on our rebel cry, "Hoo...awww!"
My daddy is such a funny guy! I love playing with him...we have so much fun together!

"Giddy up!" Daddy was showing me how to ride my rockin' horse! I'm still not too sure about this horse riding business!
"Alright, it's time to get to work on the project mommy wants done!" "Dad...first you need to get a roller and some paint and get busy, I'll supervise!"
Daddy was feeling a little better so he decided to work on a project that wasn't too labor intensive...and it's a project that my mommy's been wanting done for a while now....painting the kitchen. He got most of the easy stuff done and then called it a day. It will take him awhile to get back into the swing of things and he isn't feeling 100% yet!
Sunday night, we went over to our friends The Padgett's so I could play with my friend Mahra for awhile! We had so much fun! She has lots of fun toys and she even has toys that aren't just for girls!

"Can't they see that I'm busy supervising my daddy's paint job?" "I don't have time for all this silly video camera nonsense!"

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Weekend Fun

What a great weekend it was...the weather was PERFECT here in Sainty! It has been 70 to 80 degrees all weekend and we've sure taken advantage of being able to "play" outside all weekend! Mommy and I enjoyed lots of walks in the stroller and we all enjoyed going to the park to swing and slide! We also went over to Grandma and Grandpa Gardner's and Great-Grandma Ruth's to visit! Today was Grandma Gardner's show here in Saint Francis. This years title was "American Idle!" It was awesome and mommy and daddy were very proud of me. I sat through the entire show without too much of a fuss...it was two hours long! I sure enjoyed watchin' Grandma and all her "singing" friends perform! How fun and interesting it was! After the show was over we came home and my friends Hannah and Christina Stafford and their mommy, Michelle, came over and brought my birthday present. We've had a hard time connecting over the past month so they could bring it to me but they came over today! They got me my very own TOOL SET and I love it! Thanks girls! Well...I hope this finds everyone healthy and happy and wish everyone a great week ahead!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Off Roadin'...In The House-And Playing With Mom and Dad

Mom and I playing with my firetruck and the Jenga blocks. Mom and dad had some kind of block game, called Jenga and mom thought I would like the wooden blocks to the game. So she got them out and I had lots of fun knocking down the towers that mommy built (mostly before she even got them done, hahahahaha) and throwing the blocks around the living room!
A few years ago, Aunt Annalynn and Uncle Troy gave daddy this remote controlled Hummer for Christmas. Daddy decided to get it out over the past weekend so he and I could play with it. And it is soooooooo much fun! I love pushin' it around when daddy has it turned off and when he has it turned on.....pure delight and excitement, as you can see from the video! I love this thing...it is so interesting. I wonder how he gets it to go so fast and do all those crazy moves? However he does it....it is awesome! I shriek with delight and joy! And run around like a crazy man! :)

Sorry for the poor quality of the video...the only lighting in the living room was the lamp.

The quality of this video should be a little better. Momma turned on the living room lights!

A Man's Work Is Never Done

Here I am with my new toy....a BROOM! This past Saturday morning I helped my mom clean house. I love helping her push her broom, the swiffer sweeper and the vacuum so mom thought I needed a broom of my own...and I LOVE IT! My broom is better than mommy's though...mine talks and makes silly noises! Hers is boring!
Why won't this silly thing work on this rug?

BRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! It's Cold In Here!

This is me in my new stocking cap that I got for my 1st birthday from my mom and dad. Mommy and daddy think I look super cute in it!
Me and daddy-two handsome fellows, if I do say so myself!

Me and my mommy! I look like I'm up to something...surely not! Hee-hee!

Get Well Daddy, We All Love You

Some of you may know and some may not....my daddy hasn't been feeling too well the past month and a half. He saw a cardiologist, Dr. Curry, in Colorado Springs, back in September and was diagnosed with something called neurocardiogenic syncope. Dr. Curry put him on a heart medication called midodrine, told him he needs to take in a gallon to a gallon and a half of fluids daily and also 12 grams of salt per day. So he has been very diligent in following doctor's orders. However, the dizziness and fatigue has not gotten that much better and last week my daddy was rushed to the emergency room, via ambulance, because he could not hold any fluids or food down and became severly dehydrated. He ended up spending the night in the hospital, where they pumped him with three bags of fluid before he was released. He had the stomach flu (in passed around the family and then to Gampa Gardner). But because of his condition, it affected him worse than the rest of us. Since the flu episode, daddy says he feels just as bad as he did from day one...when this whole mess started and hasn't been able to work much. So he is going to skip the neurologist (because of "other" circumstances) and mommy is going to take him back to see Dr. Curry (the cardiologist)! Hopefully Dr. Curry can get him fixed up! So to my daddy....get well soon! I love you!

Helpin' My Daddy-My Fav Thing To Do

A few weeks ago, daddy and I decided to, in the words of my mommy, "FINALLY" hang her towel racks that she's been wanting put up for four years (she's had them since before I was around, even when mommy and daddy lived in a different part of town)! Hee-hee. She got her wish thanks to daddy and I!
Dad and I hard at work. He's teaching me all the tricks of the trade so one day, he and I can do lots of neat stuff together!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Halloween Fun

Boy, oh boy...you know Fall is here when you start decorating for Halloween! And what fun it is decorating...you get to do fun stuff like carving pumpkins! It is especially exciting this year, because it is my first "real" Halloween...I was only a month old last year for Halloween so I didn't get to participate in any of the fun activities, but this year I get too! :) So tonight, mommy, daddy and I layed out newspapers in the kitchen and went to town carving a pumpkin for our front porch. I wasn't as interested as they thought I would be but that's because I'm still not feeling good and tonight I had a bad case of "the squirts" and vomitted, along with my continuing runny nose. What a mess! Getting these "one year" molars is miserable stuff!
Daddy and I cutting the top off the "Jack-O-Latern!"
Mommy even got out the crayons that Auntie Ashie got me so I could color on the newspapers!

Look at those seeds! Daddy is excited to toast them up and eat 'em!

I'm really not sure what to think of this gooey mess! Maybe when we carve the second pumpkin I will be more "in to it!"

"Daddy, what the heck are you doing to that poor pumpkin!" Daddy and I doing messy, man stuff together!

Pumpkin carving supervision at its finest!

Mommy drew the pumpkin face on the Jack-O-Latern and then carved it out with a little kit she bought for carving pumpkins and then daddy helped her pop out the eyes, nose and mouth!

The finished product! Not too shabby for our first family pumpkin carving experience!

On the front porch, lit up for the passers-by to see from the street! Too bad the camera flash ruined this picture!

That's better...this is what it's supposed to look like in the dark!

View of our first family Jack-O-Latern from the street! I think mommy, daddy and I did a fine job and we had fun carving it as a family! Ahhh...these are the moments that mommy and daddy and I will cherish forever! :)

Not Feeling Up To Par

Daddy and I are relaxing in my playroom on Sunday, October 4th, 2009, watching Elmo DVDs together. Daddy and I spent the weekend not feeling so hot. Daddy missed work on Thursday and Friday from being dizzy and I've had a runny nose and a little bit of cough since Thursday. On Saturday (October 3rd), daddy and I both went to see Dr. Miller. Dr. Miller is going to send daddy to see a neurologist because she thinks he has more than the neurocardiogenic syncope (orthostatic hypotension/low blood pressure disorder). Dr. Miller says that I just have a cold or it's from getting my one year molars and that my throat and ears looked okay. Said it would probably take seven days to clear up, if I didn't get better, come back and see her. So hopefully my household gets to feeling better soon!
Mommy went grocery shopping on Sunday and she brought back a BIG SACK OF BALLS! 100 of them to be exact and she also brought back a package of balloons. So we filled up "Stinker Island" with all 100 balls and daddy blew up all 50 balloons and added them too! WHAT FUN! Even though I wasn't feeling very well, I still had fun playing on "Stinker Island!" And it was something fun to do on a cold, wet, rainy day!

Another fun thing I found to do on Sunday (since I couldn't play outside due to the cold and rain and my cold/teething ordeal) was play with an empty milk jug. I love carry it around the house and running with it!