Thanks for checking in on me and mommy and daddy and our friends and family!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day-I *HEART* You!

Well it was rough week and weekend at my house. I was sick for most of the week and went to the doctor. I wasn't getting better so yesterday (Sunday, February 14th) my mommy called Dr. Tyler and he decided we would do a three-part series of antibiotic shots to try to nip this tonsilitis thing in the butt! So I've had two of my shots and I'm feeling a lot better. Thank goodness. This is a picture of my mommy pausing my nightly breathing treatment so I can have a bite of my marshmallow sucker that my daycare lady, Miss Katora, gave me for Valentine's Day.
Peek-a-boo, I see all of you! My daddy puts up the couch cushions and puts blankets over the top and we call it the "Gus cave!" So fun!
It's fun to stand in the "Gus cave" and watch TV! My mommy swears I'm gonna fall out on my head one of these days!
Hi everyone! What's going on? I promise I didn't do anything that I'm not supposed....does this face look like the face of someone up to no good? I don't think so! ;)
I'm workin' on my golf swing and on my bowling form all at the same time. That daddy of mine is such a funny guy, he taught me how to "wack the crap" outta golf balls and bowling pins in the house and then make an "uh-oh" face so that mommy will think it was an accident when I break something. Mommy just rolls her eyes and walks outta the room...she knows my daddy is ornery! LOL!
Sometimes a guy has just gotta go to his man-cave and hammer stuff! Thank goodness daddy lets me borrow his man-cave and workbench and tools so I can my "fix" every now and then. I'm not sure he always knows that I'm using his stuff but he won't mind, I don't think?!?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Well this past week has been a whirlwind of a week. Lots of things happening. We hosted our very first party at my house. We celebrated the super bowl in style. We had over several families and individuals and had lots of good food and conversation. I wasn't too sure what to think of all those kids messing with my stuff but it was fun. I know I was exhausted after all that work we did preparing and then all that "partying" I did during the big game. Mom and dad even let me stay up later than normal! AWESOME! Then as the week went on, it was evident that I wasn't feeling well, yet AGAIN. Mommy says she just doesn't understand why she cannot keep me healthy these days. I've been to the clinic three times this year already! UGH! I do not like that place. Of course, one of those times (today) was a sneak in because mommy and daddy took me yesterday and didn't necessarily agree with the diagnosis so at my daddy's appointment today, mommy snuck me in and had Tyler check out my throat...and low and behold....TONSILITIS AGAIN! YUCK! Yesterday, the doc told my mom and dad that we needed to try to treat me for allergies and asthma caused by allergies, long term. So she put me on Singulair, Zyrtec and then breathing treatments of Pulmicort and Xopenex. Mommy was fine with that but she thought I also needed an antibiotic because my nose is running chunky green stuff and she just felt like I have an infection in my throat. But the doctor only checked my ears and those were clear. So she thought long term allergy, bronchial and asthma treatments were the way to go because I probably inherited my momma's genes in the sickness department with allergies and bronchial issues. Mommy is super upset that she probably past that on to me....no worries mommy, it will be okay. So today, Tyler looked in my throat and I was less than cooperative so he didn't even get me to open my mouth very wide or for very long and he turned and looked at my parents and said "have you seen his tonsils?" Both replied no of course because I do not cooperate at all for them when it comes to sticking things in my mouth! HAHA! Tyler said I definitely needed to be treated because my tonsils are HUGE! No pockets on them, YET, but they are so swollen they are almost blocking my throat. So that's my drama for the week....I get to be on antibiotics AGAIN (they put me on something other than amoxicillin since I've had that so many times already and they do not want my body to become resistant to it) and we are also going to continue the long term allergy, bronchial and asthma treatments to see if I can't stay healthy for longer than a week! I sure hope so, I'm getting really tired of people wiping my nose! Also, please keep my daddy in your thoughts....he had an episode/spell like he had for the last three months of 2009. This is his second one of 2010. But so far they are only lasting about two days instead of months on end. Not sure how to proceed from this point but Tyler says another specialist. Mommy just wants the whole house to be healthy....that's her only wish for 2010!
It's not a very good picture/view but I got my first "goose egg" this past week. I was running around the house and tripped over one of those damn, I mean darn, door stops and fell and hit my head on the corner of another door (because there are only about a hundred doors in our house)! Daddy said I must be pretty tough because I really didn't cry that much about it and he said it had to hurt....duh, dad....I am tough and it did hurt! Anyway, it is about gone now but I had a lump the size of a plum on my head for a day or two!
Cupcakes are soooooooooooooo yummy, especially the icing. We had a super bowl party at my house last Sunday and mommy made cupcakes and so did her friend Kari. All the kids loved the cupcakes....the adults are pretty sure that's all the kids ate. Mommy says she definitely thinks that's all we ate by the looks of the floor in my toy room. There were chocolate crumbs EVERYWHERE (also the random cherry tomato and black olive too)! LOL! Yes mother, we kiddos are messy sometimes. Geez....why does she think I need to use the vacuum and the dust buster all the time? Parents just don't get it sometimes, do they?

Here mom, I will go clean up the toy room. No need for you to worry about it!

These Boots Were Made For Walkin'

Grandpa Gardner came over to my house and he was wearing these snazzy boots! I just HAD to try them on. So Grandpa helped me into them....
I think they are a little big yet but I will grow into my very own boots someday!

It Was A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

The weather has been very nice over the past week, for the most part, here in Sainty! So I have been able to enjoy some time outdoors. Yippy! On this day, mommy, daddy and I played in the backyard. Oh what fun we had....playing in the leaves and hitting those balls that fall off our tree in the backyard. When my daddy hits them with a stick, they explode! So funny!
Just an update of what's been going on in our "neck of the woods!" My mommy went to Missouri the last weekend in January. She had a lot of fun giving her presentation to the kids at the high school she attended. She also had a great time seeing some of her old friends and catching up with them...but she missed daddy and I terribly. Unfortunately for everyone at our house, while mommy was gone, daddy and I both got really sick. We both had sinus infections. Daddy took me to the doctor and they put me on an antibiotic. After several rough nights, mommy returned home to help take care of us. Thank goodness. My poor daddy....
The above picture is of me trying to "break free" from the backyard. I don't understand why I have to be caged up all the time!?!?! What do they think I will do or where I will go?

Trees sure are interesting. The bark on the tree in our backyard flakes right off....so fun to stand there and pick pieces off. I hope that doesn't hurt the tree?!?!

This is me playing in the leaves. In the background you can here my daddy hitting those balls that fall off the tree. I had to go check out what he was doing too! I'm daddy's sidekick or as mommy calls it, daddy's "partner in crime!" Daddy and I have no idea what she is talking about. ;)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Footloose & Fancy Free

Ahhhhh....the good life! Kicked back on the loveseat watchin' some "Dragon Tails!" Today (Monday, February 1st, 2010) mommy stayed home from work to watch me. Usually daddy keeps me on Mondays, but daddy is under-the-weather again so he needed some help. He has a cold that I gave to him....I also gave it to mommy! Hee-hee! Just kidding. Thankfully, Grandma Gardner is an awesome lady and she stopped by this morning and asked if I wanted to come home with her and play with Grandpa Gardner. She knows she doesn't even have to ask....HECK YES I WANNA PLAY WITH MY GRANDPA! :) So I went to her house until lunch time an then she and Grandpa brought me back home. Mommy was very thankful because she got some things done around the house and also got in a little nap before I came home. I must be too fast for these people....I'm always wearin' 'em out and down, LOL!
The camera flash is toooooo bright! But mommy is soooooo funny when she wants me to smile for a picture!

Mommy left for Missouri on Thursday so she could participate in the North Shelby High School Career Day. She was gone until yesterday (Sunday, January 31st, 2010) at 4pm. Daddy and I missed her but we sure had fun being boys together, even though I was freaking sick the whole weekend. I had some sort of illness that caused nasty green boogies to come out my nose and my eyes. My eyes would matt shut everytime I went to sleep...at night and naptime. Thankfully, today I am much better. I got an entire nights sleep last night without waking up once. That made daddy very happy seeing how he got up with me 3 to 4 times a night the previous three nights! Sorry daddy! :( I was trying to be a complete stinker! Hahahahhahaaha! And now poor daddy is sicky with what I had. Sorry for that too daddy!

A few weeks ago, daddy showed me how to build my own "couch tent" or "couch fort!" It is so much fun to go in it and then peek out to see if anyone can see me! Mommy even crawled in and out of it a few times. She looks pretty funny in it b/c she barely fits! Those parents are so weird sometimes....but their weirdness makes me laugh! HA!

Here I am riding my camoflauge four-wheeler that I got for Christmas from Grandpa & Grandma Gardner. I love this thing and it is even more fun to ride it with one leg bent on top the seat and one leg dangling over the side. You know what I always say, "SAFETY FIRST!" :)

Put A Fork In It

About a month or so ago, I started using a for FULL-TIME! Notice which hand the fork is in...that's the hand I always use to "fork" stuff. It's also the hand I use to pick most things up, including writing utensils. So mommy and daddy are pretty sure I'm going to be a lefty!
WOW! THIS EATING WITH A FORK STUFF IS SO FUN! I've actually gotten pretty good at using my fork. It's sooooooooooooooooooooo fun!

Merry Christmas-Kansas Style

Sorry it has been a LONG while since I have updated my blog! I've been a super busy boy since ringing in the new year. I promise to be better on keeping you up-to-date on the happening in my life! It is one of my new year's resolutions! Here are some photos from the Gardner Christmas!
We celebrated the Gardner family Christmas on January 2nd, 2010, in North Newton, Kansas at the home of Uncle Todd, Aunt Rhonda and Cousins Matthew, Abigail, Jacob and Levi Gardner. My daddy has a severe case of strep throat so he stayed home but me and mommy road with Grandpa & Grandma Gardner and Great-Grandma Ruth.
Great-Grandma Ruth; Grandma Gardner, Uncle MOOSE; Grandpa Gardner and Cousin Kolby sittin' around the table, playin' Grandma Gardner's favorite card game: PROGRESSIVE RUMMY! She always wins too!

More cards with members of the Gardner family!
I don't know anything about cards so I decided to go to the basement and play with the toys....Barbie's are sort of interesting.....but everyone is laughing and taking pictures and saying things like "I can't wait to show your dad this picture of you playing with dolls." or "I can't wait to show you pictures of you playing with dolls when you get older." I don't understand!

Grandpa and Grandma Gardner playing with Abby and I!
My cousin Abigail and I had a great time at Christmas playing together! We played and played and played!

Uncle Troy played with me too! Here he is teaching me things NOT TO DO with this dump truck! I think he looks like a pteradactyl getting ready to take flight or he had one too many beers....hmmmmm!
Jacob got this really awesome dump truck for Christmas! It was so much fun and he was nice enough to share it with me!
Here are some of the bigger kids playing in Matthew and Jacob's bedroom! They were jumping off the top bunk on to the full-sized bed below! They are real "wild childs" if you ask me! From left to right the kids playing were Julianna, Jacob, Kylie and Matthew. They are all Gardner cousins of mine!
Unlce Troy let me sit on his lap while we opened presents. He was even nice enough to let me open some of his presents for him and play with his toys first! What a helluva nice guy!
Great-Grandma Reynolds got this really nice sweatshirt that has little boy and girl stick people on it with all of the great-grandchildren's names on it! So awesome!
Grandma Gardner has gifts to open too! Sure was a nice Christmas for all of us Gardner's!

Some of the kids got this super sweet toy from me and mommy and daddy for Christmas....it's a paddle ball! I watched the other kids play with it and then when one of them sat it down, I snatched it up so I could give it a try (since someone didn't care to get me one too...thanks a lot MOM and DAD)! :( Here's a video of me practicing my paddle ball skills! Enjoy! Hope everyone had as nice of Christmas' as I did. I enjoyed all of mine from Northeast Missouri to Northwest Kansas. It was so much fun to see all of mine, mommy and daddy's family members and to visit and spend time together. And I ain't gonna lie....the presents were mighty nice too! Thank you to everyone for opening you homes to me and my family and for the wonderful time spent together and gifts given! I love each and every one of you and miss you all the time....especially my Grandma and Grandpa Chinn (they live the farthest away)!