Happy Thursday folks! Today, Thursday, July 15th, 2010, daddy, mommy and I hit the park for a little early evening fun! Daddy and momma said they were taking me to the park because I have been so good at my newest daycare, Tiny Tykes! Miss Jill from Tiny Tykes calls momma sometimes and lets her know some of the cute and funny things I do at daycare and she also tells her how good I am, the other workers tell her how good I am too and they daddy as well! I have been consistently using my "peas and thanks" for the past three weeks! So being good must really payoff! I mean, I got to go the park, just for having manners! We also went b/c the weather was a little cooler today (the only day it's supposed to be below 95 degrees for awhile)! :( That doesn't leave much time for a guy to play outside before it gets too hot! Oh well, I will take it however I can get it!

Daddy and I getting ready to go down the tube slide! I go down first (all by myself) and then I turn around and watch my daddy go down the slide! He is too much! Such a kid at heart...that's why me and my dad have so much fun together!
So exciting...mommy hardly ever climbs up in the slide with me but tonight she did! It was FUN! I went down first and then watched her come down the slide next! She is silly, just like daddy!
Daddy even went down the slide when I wasn't even up there yet! LOL! He cracks me up!
Now it's time for the "BIG BOY SLIDE!" Whenever my mom takes me to the park by herself, she won't ever take me down the big slide because she says she is scared she might drop me! I just think she is a super chicken! Love you mommy! So tonight, daddy went with us to the park and he always takes me on a few rides on the "big boy slide!" Here we are climbing the ladder, getting ready for the awesomeness of the BIG BOY SLIDE! READY..............
"Lemme down daddy, lemme down daddy! I NEED to go play on the playground!"
So much fun at the park, I don't even know where to begin! So exciting!
Time to go home! I don't really want to but oh well, there's always tomorrow or the weekend! But it's supposed to be REALLY HOT all weekend (103 forecasted for Saturday) so we may skip the park and go swimming instead! That's right, daddy set up our little pool last night and we've gotten in it last night and tonight! I run around saying "I want to go swimming" and so we all put our suits on and go out to the pool and then once the set my feet in it, I freak out because it is FREAKING COLD! It was a little warmer tonight but still not warm enough for this little boy! Mommy and daddy say that by the time Saturday evening rolls around and we've had a few 100 plus degree days the water will feel good, like bath water and I will love it! WE WILL SEE!!!!!!