Tonight (November 27th, 2009), mommy, daddy and I went to the annual Saint Francis day after Thanksgiving Light Parade! We sat in front of the courthouse and watched all the pretty floats go by and then, at the end of the parade, on the firetruck, do you know who was there? It was Santa Claus. I'm not sure who he is or what all the fuss is about but he sounds exciting. After the parade was over, the firetruck dropped Santa off at First National Bank so us kids could go sit on his lap and tell him what we want for Christmas! I'm not really sure what I want but I went to sit on his lap anyway! He was pretty scary and at first I didn't want to sit on his lap, but then he gave me a sucker so I thought he was pretty ok after that! I didn't really get to tell him what I wanted, but a sucker will do for now! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with their families and that their Christmas season is a good one. Tomorrow, we are hosting the Gardner family Christmas at my house! It's gonna be so much fun and there will be a lot of great food! I cannot wait!
Thanks for checking in on me and mommy and daddy and our friends and family!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
Getting ready to leave for Wheeler to eat Thanksgiving dinner with Dramma and Drampa Gardner; Great-Drandma Ruth; Uncle Troy and Aunt Annalynn and cousin Julianna! Oh and mommy and daddy too!
Weeeee!!!! Daddy spin me faster, this is FUN! I finally decided that the merry-go-round is fun instead of frightening! Our Thanksgiving was so fun. First we went to eat as a family. We eat at Wheeler on Thanksgiving for lunch and then we will have the "real" Gardner Thanksgiving on Saturday, when everyone can be here! It was a beautiful day today....65 degrees so after lunch mommy, daddy, me, Julianna and Uncle Troy went to the park. Drandma and Drandpa Gardner came by to watch us play too! We played in the park for TWO WHOLE HOURS!
Not too sure about this "big kid" slide!
Daddy and I crawling through the tubes at the playground. Those things are so awesome and they are even better when daddy is playing in them with me!
Peek-a-boo, I see you mommy!
Still not too sure about this slide business, but getting a little braver with each turn I take! And of course, daddy has to slide too! :) He's so funny!
I finally conquered a fear today....going down the tube slide ALL BY MYSELF! And after I did it the first time, there was no stopping me! I must have went down that slide 100 times today!
Drandma and Drandpa Gardner came to the park to watch Julianna and I play this afternoon. Drandpa helped to catch me as I was whizzing down the slide by myself. That thing goes FAST and mommy says if there wasn't someone there to catch me, it just might shoot me straight to the moon! :) She is just the silliest person I know!
After all the playing at the park, we were all tuckered out so I took a long nap and my mommy took the opportunity to sneak a nap in for herself. Daddy seized the moment to actually watch something he wanted to on TV. So after our afternoon at the park, everyone just relaxed before it was time to go have supper at Drandma and Drandpa Gardner's house! And then tomorrow my mommy is going to take me to see none other than the man himself, SANTA CLAUS! I'm so excited to tell him what I want for Christmas. My list is long, I don't even know where to start! :)
My cousin Julianna and I on the merry-go-round at the park! We had so much fun together today!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Gampa Gardner's Archery Harvest-A Whitetail Buck
Gampa Gardner is holding me while I pet the pretty deer's white, fluffy tail! My dadd says this is my "first piece of tail!" LOL! :) Mommy says daddy can be too naughty sometimes! I am just confused....
Gampa Gardner and me with his buck! My Gampa Gardner loves to hunt! It's like Christmas for him when archery deer season rolls around!
What is this thing hanging by it's legs? And what are those things coming out of its head? Should I or shouldn't I inspect this thing? I have no idea what is going on!
Me and my dad with Gampa Gardner's buck! Daddy helped Gampa load the buck up out in the woods while mommy and I visited with Gam-ma Gardner. I had to take my vacuum/dust buster over to show Gam-ma how good I am at cleaning! She was impressed and she even had to try out my new vacuum cleaner! What a silly Gam-ma. She has a vacuum and hokey of her own!
Hangin' In Your Underwear (or diaper)...Nothin' Better
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Stay-At-Home Dadddy
Greetings to all my loyal fans! Today was such a great day! My daddy stayed home with me today and we had so much fun! Daddy was cleaning floors and we all know what that means....epic meltdown if I do not get whatever he is using. Thankfully (for daddy's sake) we have two swiffer sweepers. So daddy and I swiffered together for a good part of the day and boy was it entertaining. I don't know why people hate to sweep so much when it is such fun. Hummm...adults are so weird sometimes! Daddy says I did a good job helping him and I actually cleaned stuff instead of messing around! Duh, dad! That's what I do! LOL! Anyway, it turned into a nice day and after all this cleaning and stuff, daddy took me to the park and then we went to mommy's office to meet her at 5pm so we could all walk home together. Then we had a nice evening together as a family! Now it's time for me to hit the hay! Night all! Sweet dreams!
Gus' Cleaning Service
This is Gus' mother, Danielle and I'm going to give you a little background on Gus' new vacuum before I turn the blog back over to him! In previous blogs, Gus has told you about how he loves all things involved with sweeping and he always has to help mommy and daddy sweep. In recent weeks, whenever we get out anything to do with sweeping/cleaning floors, Gus HAS TO HAVE whatever you are using all to himself or else an epic meltdown occurs. And now, he actually goes to the broom closet and starts bawling/screaming and pointing at it until you come see what he wants and then if you do not get out the power hokey for him, the epic meltdown begins. Well, mommy has started letting him just throw a fit because he gets the power hokey out and then since it is so tall, whimpers and whines when it gets stuck on something. He hasn't quite learned how to control it yet. Not to mention he bangs it around and throws it and such and it is now making a funny mommy has revoked Gus' power hokey privileges. To try and satisfy Gus, I remembered seeing a vacuum cleaner for little kids in the toy section at the True I went and got it. It's actually pretty cool, it really picks up dirt and Gus LOVES it. The middle comes out so Gus can also have a dust buster of his very own. Well that's the scoop on the Dirt Devil vacuum cleaner that is now in Gus' toy catalog! We shall see how long this occupies his mind before he remembers the broom closet! :)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Second Haircut
Today, November 10th, 2009, mom and dad took me to get my second haircut (that's right, I just got my hair cut in September and it already needed to be trimmed up AGAIN)! At first I wasn't too sure about this "cape" business...I didn't have to wear one of these last time!
But once the cape was on and the toys were out....I was pretty okay with the whole thing. Miss Denise is a very nice lady and she is very good at cutting my hair. I think I look even more handsome than I did before and I definitely look even more "grownup" with the "short do!"
Daddy was sure to keep me entertained through the hair cutting process! These people are so silly....they think I have no idea what is going on, but I do....yes, yes I do know!
The final product! Momma and Daddy think I am super cute all the time but with my new "do" they think I am even cuter than before! I agree! Now maybe mommy won't spend so much darn time combing my hair after bathtime and in the mornings. Someone should tell that woman that I'm not a girl and you do not have to comb my hair 100 strokes!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Life In The Fast Lane
Checkout my car! It is remote controlled race car and it has become my new favorite toy over the last few weeks. For the past few weeks my dad has been operating it for me and trying to show me how to operate the remote....but couldn't figure it out. Tonight however, I finally put it all together and figured out how to work the car using the remote buttons. I figured out there are two buttons on the remote, one that makes the car go forward and one that make the car go in reverse! I haven't mastered the steering wheel on the remote yet, but I am sure it is only a matter of time before I have it figured out and am racing the car all around the house like an old pro!
I love making it go forward and much fun!
Last Week In Review (November 2nd thru 8th)
Greetings everyone! Last week was an eventful week around our house! We were very busy as usual. I got to stay home with my favorite person two days last week, my daddy! We had a lot of fun doing stuff together. I love spending time with my dad, he's so much fun. I just wish he would hurry up and start feeling better. Maybe we will find something our after his neurologist appointment on Wednesday (November 11th). Then on Friday, I finally got my one year well-baby checkup. Dr. Allard said I am growing right on schedule and that I look like a healthy, handsome boy! I weigh 23.8 lbs. (56 percentile) and am 31 inches tall (62 percentile). And at the well-baby check do you know what those people did to me? They gave me my one year vaccinations....all SIX of them. I got three shots in each leg, except one leg got stabbed an extra time on accident because the nurse missed on the first try. UGH! But I am done with vaccinations until I am FOUR! Yippee! Unless my parents decide to get me the flu and H1N1 vaccination. But the clinic is currently out so we are waiting. On Saturday night, we went to the cabin to have supper with Bradley and Pat; David, Dawson and Dailey Rose. It was very yummy and we all had lots of fun! Sunday was relaxation day and I just spent the day lounging with my mom and dad and we went to visit Grandma Ruth! Hope everyone had as good of a week as I did!
I LOVE TO SWEEP, whether it be with the broom, vacuum, hokey, dust mop, mop, swiffer or dust buster. If mom or dad is sweeping, I absolutely have to help....or else I get super upset and throw a fit. I mean I just don't understand why the make me wait until they are done sweeping before they let me play with whatever they used? Do they like cleaning or something? Why won't they just let me do it for them! Oh well...parents are so weird and confusing sometimes!
I LOVE TO SWEEP, whether it be with the broom, vacuum, hokey, dust mop, mop, swiffer or dust buster. If mom or dad is sweeping, I absolutely have to help....or else I get super upset and throw a fit. I mean I just don't understand why the make me wait until they are done sweeping before they let me play with whatever they used? Do they like cleaning or something? Why won't they just let me do it for them! Oh well...parents are so weird and confusing sometimes!
Last week, my friend Christina came over to deliver us some Girl Scout candy that my daddy bought from her. Her mommy came with her too and they stayed for a little bit so Christina and I could play. I sure do enjoy it when friends come over to play! And thanks for the yummy treats too!
Here I am showing Christina the proper way to throw a "B." That's ball for those of you who don't know!
And this is my newest interest in my house......the STAIRS! Mom and dad knew this day would come. I can climb all of the stairs all by myself but I haven't attempted going down them...YET! It is only a matter of time, I get braver and braver about going to the edge of the steps everyday. Mommy and daddy say they are extremely frightened that I am going to fall down them one of these days....I say a guys gotta learn sometime! So it may as well be sooner than later, LOL!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday Funday
Happy Sunday! Around our house, Sunday is our favorite day of the week! We usually do not have any plans on Sundays and we get to spend the entire day together as a family! Mommy says Sundays are favorite and least favorite day of the week, all at the same time. She's says it is her favorite because we get to spend the day together as a family but her least favorite because she has to go back to work the next day! She says she misses me very much while she is at work! I love mommy and daddy too and I miss them every second we are not together! This Sunday was a little bittersweet because Grandma and Grandpa Chinn headed back to Missouri. We miss them already!
Here I am relaxing with daddy after he fed me an awesome breakfast of french toast and juice! I have such an awesome daddy! I hope everyone has a daddy as nice as mine!
This weather is just plain crazy. Friday we had snow and on Sunday it was in the mid-60s and I got to play in the park with my mom and dad! I sure love the swing and almost anything else that has to do with the outdoors. We spent a lot of time outside today!
Weeeeeeeee......this is fun!
More, more, I want to swing more! "I wonder if I can get myself into this swing?"
My daddy even loves to swing!
I also love to sit and play in the grass. It is so much fun to just feel the grass between my fingers and to pull the grass with my hands and throw it around!
Sunday's are definitely good football days! We had fun throwing the football around all day today! And I especially love that my football is a K-State football. That's my daddy's Alma Mater! Maybe someday....when I am bigger....I will go to K-State too! Go Powercats! LOL!
Here I am playing in the grass! It is so much fun, although I am not fond of the grass sticking to my fingers!
This year was my first "real" Halloween! Last year I was only a month old on Halloween so mommy didn't buy me a costume...I just wore a Halloween shirt and hat. But this year...I got to dress up and go trick-or-treating. I dressed up as a monkey! Mommy and daddy thought I looked super-cute! At first, I did not like the costume but after I protested for a little while, I got over and started enjoying the trick-or-treating part of it! Did you know that you just go up to peoples doors with your pumpkin pail and say "trick-or-treat," they give you lots of candy? And some people gave out dimes and dollars! So fun! I really liked it!
Me getting aquainted with my pumpkin pail! Mommy says I did such a good job for my first time trick-or-treating...I even carried the pumpkin pail for some of the stops we made!
We were getting ready to leave to go trick-or-treating! Grandma & Grandpa Chinn, mommy, daddy and me all loaded up into the van to go make our rounds. We went to lots of places, including Grandma & Grandpa Gardner's; Great-Grandma Ruth's and Glenda's (the daycare lady)!
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