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Friday, November 20, 2009

Gampa Gardner's Archery Harvest-A Whitetail Buck

Gampa Gardner is holding me while I pet the pretty deer's white, fluffy tail! My dadd says this is my "first piece of tail!" LOL! :) Mommy says daddy can be too naughty sometimes! I am just confused....
Gampa Gardner and me with his buck! My Gampa Gardner loves to hunt! It's like Christmas for him when archery deer season rolls around!

What is this thing hanging by it's legs? And what are those things coming out of its head? Should I or shouldn't I inspect this thing? I have no idea what is going on!

Me and my dad with Gampa Gardner's buck! Daddy helped Gampa load the buck up out in the woods while mommy and I visited with Gam-ma Gardner. I had to take my vacuum/dust buster over to show Gam-ma how good I am at cleaning! She was impressed and she even had to try out my new vacuum cleaner! What a silly Gam-ma. She has a vacuum and hokey of her own!

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