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Monday, June 14, 2010

Aunt Nee Nee Visits & Takes Me To The Park

My mommys friend Whitney "Nee-Nee" came to visit mommy this past week/weekend! And while she was here, her and mommy took me to the park! I think mommy's friend is after my heart! Anybody that wants to take me to/go with to the park is "a-okay" in my book!

"Come on, lets get this show on the road and get over to the park! I have a schedule to keep!

Weeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Off we go....FINALLY!

Ah, runnin' around at the park, especially on the side with the fountain, is one of my favorite things to do!

Havin' so much and laughin' a lot with my mommy and Nee-Nee!

Watchin' the awesome fountain at Sawhill Park with my momma! So cool!

I like to keep mommy on her toes...she's always chasing after me for some reason, I don't know what she thinks I'm up to that she has to chase me around but it sure is funny watchin' her!

Nee-Nee on the piece of playground equipment that we refer to as the "egg-beater!" It spins really fast while you stand on it! Pure insanity!

Judging by the look on Nee-Nee's face, I'm not sure if she's liking this ride or not so I'm not sure I want to try this thing out! Maybe it's okay that I'm not quite big enough to get on it just yet! But it sure was funny watchin' mommy and Nee-Nee do it! Those two are two wild-n-crazy grown ups!

I love all the little pebbles at the park that are used to make a nice area for the playground equipment! I especially like to get handfuls of them and throw them up in the air...it's soooooo funny when I do it because my mom tells me "No-no Gus, we don't throw rocks!" I don't know what this "we" business is because I've never seen her throw any rocks. Just me doin' the rock throwin' 'round here!

The tube slide is awesome! I smile, laugh and giggle everytime I go down it! I usually go down on my stomach, head first but lately I've finally gotten brave enough to sit down on my bottom and go down. I just haven't quite figured out how to stop myself either way so mommy is there to catch me!

There's also this slide at the park!

"Ready, sssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttt,

gggggooooooooooooo!!!!!!" Sliding is so COOL! Cool is also my new favorite word over the past weekend!

Nee-Nee helped push me while I road in the swing! What a nice gal she is to give me a few pushes and enjoy it (or at least she's smilin' anyway)! Thanks Aunt Nee-Nee, you are "simply the best!"

Mommy also gave me a push or two! I just love swingin'! I love it "ALMOST" as much as slidin'!

Mommy and I had to stop on the way home and "talk" about goin' home in general! I really didn't want to go home and I told my mother that but she didn't really listen to me! She kept saying something about taking a bath, reading some books, havin' some milk and goin' nigh-night!

What a great week and weekend it was this past week/weekend! Good friends, parents and great weather led to a fun weekend for all in the Justin Gardner household (Justin Gardner is my daddy)! Aunt Nee-Nee and mommy had a blast together and so did daddy and I when mommy and Nee-Nee were out and about! Mommy and Nee-Nee went to Denver on Saturday morning and did the site-seeing, shopping and eating of 16th Street Mall in downtown Denver (LoDo) before mommy had to take Nee-Nee to the airport to catch her flight home (I cried for Nee-Nee when they left that morning) to Saint Louis (STL). While they were gone, I spent the day with my daddy and a few hours with my Nammo and Tampaw Gardner. My daddy even gave me a bath and put me to bed Saturday night!

"Ahhhh, nothin' better than takin' a nice, warm bath, gettin' cleaned up for nigh-night. Then, it gets even more relaxing and awesome when daddy put my sports jammies on me with my Elmo socks!" "That's what a guy is talkin' about for bedtime attire!" "Thank you daddy for taking such good care of me while mommy was gone to Denver! I love you!"

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